(Oh, may God always hold you close)
On a theme from Jocelyn
Composer: Benjamin Godard
Arranged and Adapted with an Original Text by William Watkins

S-A-B choir or trio and Piano
Duration: 02:05
Alternate Choral Response Duration: 0:38
Benjamin Godard's beloved "Bereceuse de Jocelyn" newly arranged -- with all new text -- for a choral benediction.
Drawn from one of Godard's most-beloved musical themes, Benediction captures something of the prayerful nature of the original and expounds on it to offer reassurance and a full blessing at parting " 'til we meet again", building simple harmonies from Godard's original solo tenor line.
Designed for a small S-A-B choir or trio accompanied by piano, this edition also includes an Alternate Choral Response that may be repeated after a final prayer, as a congregational response, or simply as a stand-alone alternative to the full piece.
7 x 10 octavo edition.
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