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What Is This Thing...? Earl Wentz Plays Love Songs of Cole Porter The Piano Stylings of Earl Wentz: Traditional Christmas Favorites Vampin' Lady: The Music of Milton Ager Our Theatre Productions Our Special Book Offers
Here's What Customers Are Saying About...
Our Newest CD...

What Is This Thing...? Earl Wentz Plays Love Songs of Cole Porter
I ordered Earl's CD and it came last week. I have to tell you that it one of the most beautiful CD's I now own. I can't tell you how much I absolutely love it. I had a dinner party here on Saturday and everyone commented on it. How can you not be moved by Cole Porter? But his piano playing is so perfect. --B. McCarthy, Glen Rock, NJ |
This is very very exciting about Earl's CD. It is so cool...I JUST LOVE IT. But I was not surprised that I did when I first listened to it. Everything he did/DOES! has the mark of transcendence and...well...might as well say it: GENIUS about it. --N.A. Bull, New York, NY |
I just got my CDs!!! Sooooooo amazing!!! I got one for me and one for dad for Father's Day!...It's De-lovely has always been a favorite of mine, but it has reached a new level of favorite with y'all's cd! (I really don't mean to be so gushy, but it really made my day!!!) Thank you so much for sharing with all of us!!! The CD is absolutely amazing!!! --J. Reed, Charlotte. NC |
Just got the CD this afternoon. I love it. I got teary-eyed when it started. Great selection of songs. Great job getting it ready. Love the cover and inside cover with their pictures....Thank you for making this happen. It's a joy to hear him play and a very special gift for everyone who loves him. --B. McArthur, Point Pleasant, NJ |
Earl's new CDs arrived today! I thought I might wait till tomorrow to listen...but that thought lasted all of two nanoseconds. I ripped open the package immediately, and it is now playing for the second time around, and I am in ecstasy. It is so beautiful. Truly it is a masterpiece. The framed photos are wonderful...so clever...I love the ones where they are young boys. I cried when I saw the dedication. --B. Hough, Westtown, PA |
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Our Latest Christmas CD...

The Piano Stylings of Earl Wentz Traditional Christmas Favorites
My absolute favorite new Christmas recording. Unexpectedly delightful. Elegant, sophisticated and wonderfully entertaining. Could be used as background music at a fabulous Chrismas soiree, but what a waste that would be -- Sit and really listen, and you will have a great time. -- James E. Morgan, Producing Artistic Director, The York Theatre Company, New York, NY |
I can't believe I am listening to you play piano right this very moment here in my living room. Your CD is fabulous, and it has been playing almost non-stop since it arrived. What memories it brings back just listening! I'm loving it - all 55 songs. Looking forward to the next one. -- B. Hough, Westtown, PA |
The CD is so well recorded and Earl Wentz's playing, as always, is superb. So many different carols and so many varied arrangements! . . . . We will enjoy this music for many Christmas seasons to come! -- R. and M. Jeannero, Scituate, MA |
I'm listening to the Christmas music as I wrap gifts. Nostalgic and delightful! -- N. Holder, Melbourne, FL |
I LOVE Earl Wentz's holiday CD! I think it may be the one source of Christmas music that I'll play over and over this year. I'm visualizing myself putting my yule log on the TV and sitting in front of my virtual fire with a glass of wine as I listen to Earl tickle the ivories. Great recording quality. -- S. Collins, New York, NY |
I want to buy 20 more of your Christmas CD! It is fantastic! And I want to send it to lots of folks! -- S. Lono, Tenafly, NJ |
The CD made my day. It brought back childhood memories. I appreciate the music more than you could ever know. -- B. Brumfield, Houston, TX |
I LOVE it! It's amazing! Amazing! -- N. Watson, Los Angeles, CA |
Thank you so much... I just played it and it was wonderful... Earl Wentz has magic fingers! -- P.K. Parry, Manchester, UK |
It is so wonderful how you can create moods and expression with those keys. Whether you intend to create images in our minds, I don't know, but you surely can do that! -- B. Randall,Charlotte, NC |
The Christmas CD is GORGEOUS! -- B. MacArthur,New York, NY |
I've been playing the CD and it's outta sight! I can't wait to hold everyone I know hostage and play them "Lo How a Rose Ere Blooming" (my all time Christmas favorite). -- C. Shepherd, New York, NY |
I LOVE the Christmas CD - am singing as I drive all over town! First time ever "O Holy Night" has been in my key! -- N.Frank, Hickory, NC |
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Our Tribute to Great American Composer Milton Ager...

Vampin Lady: The Music of Milton Ager
The CD is wonderful. Joyce really puts a lot of spirit and feeling into the music. Earl's arrangements are very creative and fun to listen to. They are both really talented...It's good that most of the verses are included, as well as the usual choruses. In fact, for one or two of the more uncommon songs, this might be the first time the verse lyrics have been recorded. -- L. Rubenstein, UCLA, nephew of the composer and Ager family archivist, Los Angeles, CA |
I listened with pleasure to the CD....Moody is a one-person cast of four revue all by herself and Wentz's arrangements well-set the mood. I had never heard or heard of most of the songs so it's a great service you do bringing them back -- a lot of fun mixed with bittersweet ballads. --Dennis Livingston, composer and director of the Boston Cabaret Association, son of composer Jerry Livingston |
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Our Theatre Productions...

Kissing Ringo
I'm so thrilled that you are bringing this to America at last! I saw "Kissing Ringo" in Liverpool and it was amazing. The audience were cheering and singing along at the finale. I just can't wait! -- J. Murphy, New York, NY |
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Our Special Book Offers...

Cassina Gambrel Was Missing
A brave book....owes a great deal to John Fowles in form and sharp-edged observations of the manners and foibles of his little band of fictional (?) characters playing against the backdrop of their time, location, and circumstance; in "explanations" that raise more questions; in generally refusing to defend or explain his characters, but merely letting them be and letting their actions speak for themselves... -- S. Cameron, New York, NY |
I couldn't put it down! -- B. Hough, Westtown, PA |
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