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Children's Books

Thank you for your interest in Sixpence, Inc.  Due to the high-volume of submissions, Sixpence, Inc. currently will not accept unsolicited manuscripts in this category.  Please query first with a self-addressed, stamped envelope (SASE).  Query letters should include a brief description of your submission, your writing credentials and copies of any reviews, and any experience, professional or otherwise, relevant to your submission.  Queries without a SASE will not be returned or answered.

Our current focus is on picture books for children and fiction for young readers (chapter books).

Please keep in mind when choosing whether to query or submit your work to us that we are a small independent publishing house with a small editorial staff and a list of titles already scheduled for publication; therefore, it is extremely rare that we are able to accept an unsolicited work for publication.

We do not accept queries or proposals on disks, over the internet, by e-mail, or by fax.

Sixpence, Inc. takes no responsibility for the loss or damage of submitted materials.  Please do not submit original artwork or manuscripts. Never submit irreplaceable materials.

Please be advised that Sixpence, Inc. evaluates all queries and submissions we receive, and this evaluation process typically takes four months to six months from the date of submission.  Please do not phone or e-mail to check on the status of your query.

Acceptance of proposals is based on originality of ideas, market need, and fit with the directions and goals of Sixpence, Inc.  Please do not submit illustrations with your query.  You may point out that you are an illustrator if you wish to illustrate your own work, in which case you may submit an illustration sample -- again, a clear photocopy only and not an original artwork!  We generally prefer to select an illustrator so it is unnecessary for you to do so.

PLEASE NOTE: These guidelines are for informational purposes only and do not constitute a solicitation of any manuscript, artwork, transparencies, or other material. Submission of any unsolicited materials shall be done at the author/ illustrator's own risk of loss or damage.

If you feel your work fits our publishing program, please forward your query to Sixpence, Inc. at this address:

Editorial Assistant -- Children's Books
Sixpence, Inc.
PO Box 1894
Old Chelsea Station
New York, NY 10113

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